[[["TheStory", 4], ["NextGen", 1], ["RideWave", 1], ["ProdInfo", 16], ["MoPower", 12]], [[["Welcome", "Intro1v2.M_M", 2, 0, 6540, "bobLevi.L_P", "bobLevi.L_B", 1, 8, 2, ""], ["Welcome", "welcome.M_M", 2, 0, 12080, "pwPc.L_P", "pwPc.L_B", 1, 8, 2, ""], ["Company Profile", "intro2.M_M", 2, 0, 26700, "coProf.L_P", "coProf.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "coprofil.txt"], ["Next Generation Mac OS", "intro3.M_M", 2, 0, 5340, "intro.L_P", "intro.L_B", 1, 8, 3, "value.txt"]], [["Ride The Wave", "pWave.M_M", 2, 0, 16880, "pwrWave.L_P", "pwrWave.L_B", 1, 8, 3, ""]], [["Push The Curve", "pCurve.M_M", 2, 0, 11160, "pCurve.L_P", "pCurve.L_B", 1, 8, 3, "pCurve.TXT"]], [["For Real For Keeps", "forReal.M_M", 2, 0, 11060, "forReal.L_P", "forReal.L_B", 1, 8, 2, ""], ["Still Direct To Your Door", "stillDir.M_M", 2, 0, 9480, "pDeliver.L_P", "pDeliver.L_B", 1, 8, 2, ""], ["More Than A Clone", "AheadCrv.M_M", 2, 0, 7080, "moreThan.L_P", "moreThan.L_B", 1, 8, 1, ""], ["Ahead Of The Curve", "AheadCrv.M_M", 2, 7080, 14100, "stargate.L_P", "stargate.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "stargate.txt"], ["Most Important", "10b.M_M", 2, 0, 6400, "enginers.L_P", "enginers.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "enginer.txt"], ["PowerWave 604 . 150", "10.M_M", 2, 0, 6400, "p604150.L_P", "p604150.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "pw604150.txt"], ["PowerWave 604 . 132", "10b.M_M", 2, 0, 6400, "p604132.L_P", "p604132.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "pw604132.txt"], ["PowerWave 604 . 120", "10.M_M", 2, 0, 6400, "p604120.L_P", "p604120.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "pw604120.txt"], ["PowerCurve 601 . 120", "10b.M_M", 2, 0, 6400, "pCurve.L_P", "pCurve.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "pCurve.TXT"], ["Power 120", "10.M_M", 2, 0, 6400, "p120.L_P", "p120.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "power120.txt"], ["Power 100", "10b.M_M", 2, 0, 6400, "p100.L_P", "p100.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "power100.txt"], ["Monitors", "15.M_M", 2, 0, 9600, "monitors.L_P", "monitors.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "monitors.txt"], ["Iomega Zip Drive", "10b.M_M", 2, 0, 6400, "iomega.L_P", "iomega.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "zipdrive.txt"], ["Audio Accessories", "10.M_M", 2, 0, 6400, "audio.L_P", "audio.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "speakers.txt"], ["Extras", "15.M_M", 2, 0, 9600, "pWbundle.L_P", "pWbundle.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "bundles.txt"], ["Custom Configurations", "XtraConf.M_M", 2, 0, 16580, "OrdEasy.L_P", "OrdEasy.L_B", 1, 8, 3, ""]], [["OurMission", "Mission.M_M", 2, 0, 11520, "mission.L_P", "mission.L_B", 1, 8, 2, ""], ["Testimonials", "15.M_M", 2, 0, 9600, "testify.L_P", "testify.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "testify.TXT"], ["Eddy Award", "10b.M_M", 2, 0, 6399, "eddyAwd.L_P", "eddyAwd.L_B", 1, 8, 2, "EddyAwd.txt"], ["Media Clips", "10.M_M", 2, 0, 6399, "nyt.L_P", "nyt.L_B", 1, 8, 2, ""], ["Media Clips", "10b.M_M", 2, 0, 6399, "macuser1.L_P", "macuser1.L_B", 1, 8, 1, ""], ["Media Clips", "10b.M_M", 2, 0, 6399, "macW1.L_P", "macW1.L_B", 1, 8, 2, ""], ["TheFuture", "Future.M_M", 2, 0, 14100, "future.L_P", "future.L_B", 1, 8, 2, ""], ["Mailing Addresses", "10.M_M", 2, 0, 6399, "mailing.L_P", "mailing.L_B", 1, 8, 2, ""], ["Phone Numbers", "10b.M_M", 2, 0, 6399, "phNums.L_P", "phNums.L_B", 1, 8, 2, ""], ["Internet Adresses", "10.M_M", 2, 0, 6399, "netAdd.L_P", "netAdd.L_B", 1, 8, 2, ""], ["Internet Adresses", "10b.M_M", 2, 0, 6399, "net2Add.L_P", "net2Add.L_B", 1, 8, 2, ""], ["Help Screen", "15.M_M", 2, 0, 9600, "help.L_P", "help.L_B", 1, 8, 3, ""]]]]